Anymail: Django email backends for Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, SendGrid and more

Version 1.2.1

Anymail integrates several transactional email service providers (ESPs) into Django, with a consistent API that lets you use ESP-added features without locking your code to a particular ESP.

It currently fully supports Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, SendGrid, and SparkPost, and has limited support for Mandrill.

Anymail normalizes ESP functionality so it “just works” with Django’s built-in django.core.mail package. It includes:

  • Support for HTML, attachments, extra headers, and other features of Django’s built-in email
  • Extensions that make it easy to use extra ESP functionality, like tags, metadata, and tracking, with code that’s portable between ESPs
  • Simplified inline images for HTML email
  • Normalized sent-message status and tracking notification, by connecting your ESP’s webhooks to Django signals
  • “Batch transactional” sends using your ESP’s merge and template features

Anymail is released under the BSD license. It is extensively tested against Django 1.8–2.0 (including Python 2.7, Python 3 and PyPy). Anymail releases follow semantic versioning.